
User Guide



Create deadline

Creates a deadline and adds it to the task list.

Format: deadline <DESCRIPTION> /by <yyyy-mm-dd>

Example: deadline cs2103 ip /by 2020-09-18 creates a deadline with description cs2103 ip and date 18 Sep 2020

Create event

Creates an event and adds it to the task list.

Format: event <DESCRIPTION> /at <yyyy-mm-dd>

Example: event cs2100 midterm /at 2020-10-10 creates an event with description cs2100 midterm and date 10 Oct 2020

Create todo

Creates a todo and adds it to the task list.

Format: todo <DESCRIPTION>

Example: todo cs2103 tp creates a todo with description cs2103 tp

Delete tasks

Deletes a task, specified by its index, from the task list.

Format: delete <INDEX>

Example: delete 3 deletes the 3rd task in the task list.

Find tasks

Find tasks in the task list that contain the specified keyword.

Format: find <KEYWORD>

Example: find cs finds all tasks that contain the keyword cs

List tasks

Lists all tasks in the task list.

Format: list

Mark tasks as done

Marks a task, specified by its index, in the task list as done.

Format: done <INDEX>

Example: done 5 marks the 5th task in the task list as done.


Archives a task, specified by its index, in the task list.

Format: archive <INDEX>

Example: archive 4 archives the 4th task in the task list.

Archives all tasks

Format: archive all